Node Information

IRLP provides a number of real-time reports and node locating tools.

I R LP - Keeping the Radio in Amateur Radio


If you are searching for a known node and it does not appear on the status page, it is likely that node has been down for more than 5 days in which case the node is temporarily removed from the status pages. 

IRLP Reports
Google Earth IRLP interactive node mapping
Connected Nodes and Reflector status
the active IRLP network at a glance
List of nodes and Frequencies
see note below
Up-To-Date Node List in PDF Format
Find area US Node by ZIP Code
Now using up-to-date IRLP dB info
Find nodes using Lat/Long
Find nodes within nn miles of a Lat/Long

Tab delimited format for PDA use (bzip2 format)
open in your browser, save as, unbzip2, and then open with your spread sheet selecting tab delimited

WAP enabled Status Page
Point your Cell, Blackberry or other wireless browser to WAP.IRLP.NET

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last updated February 14, 2007
? 2005 IRLP.NET
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