CUSTOM Directory Files
Here's a brief overview as to what the scripts in the
/home/irlp/custom/ directory do
IRLP - Keeping the Radio
in Amateur Radio |
The ENVIRONMENT file sources all variables needed for IRLP to run. It is sourced
by the boot up scripts and by the IRLP_START and IRLP_STOP scripts. Without the
proper variables set, IRLP will not run. The environment file can not be
by user repeater, as it is run by root, and any commands placed within it may be
executed as root.
The CUSTOM_DECODE script is run from within the DECODE script. The custom codes
in this file are not lost during an update. These custom codes include the
enable and disable codes.
The TIMING file is a text file which contains two values used by IMIKE to send
audio to the other nodes. The first value is the number of milliseconds after
the COS is lost that IMIKE stops sending packets. If the value is too low,
people may complain that the last word or two of your transmissions are being
cut off. If it is too high, they may complain of squelch tail noise.
The second value is the number of milliseconds IMIKE waits to start sending
packets after receiving a COS signal. This value is used to minimize the effect
of "ping ponging" of repeaters. The value should not be set too high,
as the first second or so of your audio may be lost.
Do not tamper with this file unless you know what you are doing.
The TIMEOUTVALUE is a text file containing the number of seconds YOUR node must
be inactive before sending a timeout signal to the connected node. You have no
control over the remote node's timeout values.
Files in the AUDIO Directory
All of the files in the audio directory serve a purpose. They
are all ID or error messages which can occur on the IRLP node.
This is the ID you hear once you bring up a node.
This is the ID you hear once a node is brought down.
This is the ID you hear if you try to bring up one node while connected to
Each of the remaining files in the audio directory serve a purpose, and will not
be described in detail.
Files in the Other
Directories of /HOME/IRLP/
The IRLP_PORT directory contains the IRLP_PORT driver to read and write from the
parallel port without root access. The IRLP_PORT driver is kernel version
specific, so a couple versions have been supplied
The ARPM directory (if it exists) contains the source code for AutoRPM,
an automatic system file checker and updater which minimizes the possibility of
compromise by keeping you file system up to date with the latest updates from
RedHat. This option is only available to those who use RedHat 5.2. It can be
installed under other distributions, but will not be supported by IRLP
The OSS directory (if it exists) contains the commercial OSS package. There are
packages available for both major kernel versions. The license file must be
purchased before commercial OSS drivers will work (required for full duplex)
The LOCAL directory contains several files which are commonly accessed by the
IRLP system. It is a volatile RAM drive, and does not store any info required
after reboot. Files stored in the local directory include ID tag files (such as
the enable, active, timeout tags) and the IRLP hosts lookup file.
The RUN directory contains the run-time files used by IRLP. This include the
challenge and response strings used by PGP for authentication, and the FIFO used
for communication.
The LOG directory keeps logs of every argument passed through control (except
the 5 second timestamps) for later review. The size of the MESSAGES file can be
very large, and should be deleted or rotated on a regular basis.
The PATCHES directory contains several patch scripts which are added to fix
small problems with security and functionality after the node has been