The IRLP system has an elaborate system of error reporting. There are several error codes that help you troubleshoot problems with the node. Each error code signifies a different problem. The most common ones occur during calls to other nodes, conversations, and disconnecting. These will show up in your log files when the error is played over the air. NOEXIST This error is caused by a call to a node which does not exist in the list of valid nodes. This list is always changing. For example, a DTMF sequence of 2987 will cause this error, because station 2987 does not exist (yet). This error can be silenced by changing the NOEXIST_INFORM directive in the environment file to NO. BUSY The busy error is caused when the node you call is currently connected to another IRLP node. Your node will identify the node the called node is connected to. INUSE This is returned as “the node you are calling is being used locally”. This means the COS was active on the node you called, when you tried to make the call. DISABLED This returns “the node you called is currently disabled”. This means that the remote node owner has disabled the node for some reason. TIMEOUT CALL This returns “the node you called is not responding”. This means the timeout of 5 seconds for a node to respond to a call has elapsed. AUTH This returns “The call could not be authenticated”. This occurs when there is an error in the PGP authentication process. This is often caused by bad PGP keys between the calling or called node. NOPGPKEY This returns “Your security file is being updated, please try your call again later”. This occurs when the node you called has a valid IP on the server, but no valid PGP key in your keyring. Your system goes out to try to pull the latest keyring to verify the key. You must try the call again. LOCKOUT This returns “The node you are calling does not accept calls from your node”. This occurs if your node is added to a remote node (or reflectors) lockout list. PTTLOCK This returns “PTT Lockup detect” and resets your node PTT if it is continually keyed for 5 minutes with no breaks. COSLOCK This returns “COS Lockup detect” and resets your node, and drops the current connection if COS is on for 4 minutes continuously. INVALID_PGP (siggen) This returns “Your PGP key is invalid. If this error persists, please contact”. This occurs when you have performed an install and your node has not yet been validated in the keyring. There are several codes that may ask the operator to contact the node owner. They are as follows:
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