IRLP Status Page as of 04/25/2024 00:01:33 UTC (04/24 17:01 PST)

IRLP Node Codes and locations
IRLP Node detail

Node Number3215
Node CallsignK7MLA
Node CitySalt Lake City
Node Province/StateUT
Node CountryUSA
Node Owner/SponsorMarty Atwood      Ask a Question
Node Latitude40.46684 North
Node Longitude112.17275 West
Node Base Frequency (MHz)147.1400
Node Offset Frequency (KHz)600.0000
Node CTCSS (Hz)/DCS 127.3
AVRS StatusU
Node Website URL
Local node date/time18:01:33 on Apr 24 2024 MDT
Current Node Status:Extended Down for 344 days, 22 hours, 26 minutes, 31 seconds.
Last heard from Node:19:35:02 on May 15 2023 MDT

Mapping options (Primary Only):Interactive mapper

Public Node Access procedures, Coverage and other info:

Node 3215 is open to all licensed Hams.

To operate this node: Key up the repeater and IDENTIFY with your call.
Preface all commands with the DTMF digit "D", this is so my controller will route your node number correctly.
for example: to call node 1234, dial D1234.
to end your connection dial D73.