What Can You Do with IRLP?
by Jeff KE9V
Looking for virtually
worldwide “BBC copy” from your handheld transceiver? Try the
Internet Radio Linking Project.
The May 2005
Hamvention issue of QST has a fine article on IRLP. There is
also an article on Echolink in the same issue.
Jeff KE9V did a great job informing new hams
the capability of IRLP. |
Internet Linking for Radio Amateurs
-- by Jonathan Taylor, K1RFD
The book is designed for beginners who
need information on how to set up and use VoIP systems IRLP, EchoLink,
eQSO, WIRES II, but also provides plenty of technical “meat” for those
who want to dig deeper and explore how the systems actually work. |
IRLP in Emergency Services
Spring 2003 - Once again amateur radio provides a “transference of
technology” opportunity. VE6RJZ described how his hobby and the
concept of the new Internet Radio Linking Project were used
commercially in an area in Canada that is a radio propagation
challenge. |
The May 2003 Dayton issue of QST was the first
in-depth feature coverage of IRLP. From Ether to Ethernet
covered everything from what IRLP is, how it operates, and what is
required to build a node. The timing of this article is perfect
as it coincides with IRLPs first appearance at the Dayton Hamfest
(booth 324) |
January 2003 issue of World Radio covered IRLP
with a Feature Article by Allen Sherwood K6USN named, Seven Thousand
Miles on a Rubber Duck |
The May 2002 inaugural relaunch
of CQ VHF carried a feature article on IRLP by Paul VE3SY. The
lead asked the question, "Has the Internet Killed Ham Radio?" Just the
opposite is true says the article.... as hams are now linking ham
radio via the Internet |
The Canadian Amateur is Canada's premier Amateur
Radio publication and is distributed to all members of The Radio
Amateurs of Canada. The TCA had the first IRLP coverage by a
major publication in its October 2001 issue. |
The on-line eHam web site
published much of the contents of the Canadian
TCA Article
in December of 2001 |